Win7 Volume Mixer

Plasma 5 Multimedia by Zren 59 comments

I've previously skimmed the chromium source code to see the difference on how it handles this in Windows and in Linux with PulseAudio. I couldn't lock down where it tells the stream name the title of the tab. I'll try looking into Firefox's source code next time and see if I can find it there. Basically, this requires patching Chrome + Firefox I think because running "pactl list" doesn't show the title of the tabs. - Apr 05 2017
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

Option 2:
Option 3: (With a small space between the colours)
Option 4: (Double height of the line in the Agenda) (Shown with "No Borders" and "Big Number" with "Breeze Light") - Apr 02 2017
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

Sorry, I completely forgot about this. I started working on an "editor" that I thought I could use for styling the calendar. I've decided against using it however since it is not very user friendly.

1. Il y a pas un configuration pour la "width" de la ligne maintement.
1. J'ai changer les couleur pour la ligne. Does it look okay?

2. You can right click the desktop wallpaper > Add Widgets > Event Calendar
You can also drag the widget icon from the widget list to the desktop.

Just so you know, the "Widgets" in Event Calendar (Timer / Meteogram) ne ces pas plasma widgets. They are part of "Event Calendar" like the "Agenda" and "Calendar". Sorry if it is confusing, I probably should have chosen another word for them. - Apr 02 2017
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

Thought so. Go to System Settings > Applications > Default Applications > Web Browser. Select the 'in the following browser", click the ... buton and choose Firefox. - Mar 31 2017
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

Looks like your default applications for opening (http or https) isn't setup correctly, try the following command to see which opens in Brackets:

- Mar 31 2017
Win7 Volume Mixer

Plasma 5 Multimedia by Zren 59 comments

I'll be adding keyboard control in the next version. If you open it with the global shortcut, it'll add a pulsating outline around the selected stream. You can then hit up/down to control the volume.

Preview: - Mar 28 2017
Win7 Volume Mixer

Plasma 5 Multimedia by Zren 59 comments

Hum, wow, plasma added that back in 5.8, I've been pretty lazy on adding that. v18 should have it. - Mar 23 2017

Plasma 5 Menus by l33k 92 comments

Whatever compression method you used for the .plasmoid isn't supported. If you open it with Ark, it shows two levels of compression while normally there's only 1 (eg: zip).

$ kpackagetool5 --type Plasma/Applet --install org.kde.plasma.excalibur.plasmoid

Error: Installation of /home/chris/Downloads/org.kde.plasma.excalibur.plasmoid failed: Could not open package file: /home/chris/Downloads/org.kde.plasma.excalibur.plasmoid
- Mar 16 2017
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

Ma francais est tres mal, mais je pense que je connaise.

1. Event Calender utilitse lw "background" color pour la ligne au gauch de chaque event. Si la ligne est blank, vasi au "Event Calendar Settings..." > "Google Calendar" tab. Ca va downloade les coulurs.
2. "fond d'écran" == "wallpaper"? Comme un "desktop widget"?
ou comme ca avec rein de "background"?
- Mar 10 2017
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

Yeah, just make sure to make an issue first unless the pull request is like 1 line. As for a small tutorial:

sudo apt install plasma-sdk
cd ~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.eventcalendar/
plasmoidviewer -a . -l bottomedge -f horizontal
cd ~/Desktop
git clone
cd plasma-applets/org.kde.plasma.eventcalendar/
plasmoidviewer -a . -l floating -s 900x600 - Mar 08 2017

Global Themes (Plasma 5) by llucas 16 comments

If you want to hide titlebars on maximized windows (like Ubuntu does), run the following commands:

kwriteconfig5 --file ~/.config/kwinrc --group Windows --key BorderlessMaximizedWindows true
kwin_x11 --replace & disown
- Mar 03 2017
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

Your welcome. Thanks for using it! - Feb 27 2017
Breeze AlphaBlack

Plasma Themes by Zren 61 comments

Ah, looks like I only tested with (cd path/to/theme && python3 0). I fixed the script in v9 so it can be run anywhere. - Feb 20 2017
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

And it was working fine with Plasma 5.8 / Qt 5.7? Or were they not displayed (shown as missing character "squares")? - Feb 14 2017
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

Ah shoot, forgot about you. We found out the probably issue here: was that it would crash if events had emoji in their event summary. Do have any events like that? - Feb 14 2017
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

It's probably Qt 5.8.0 then, as I'm testing on KDE Neon with Qt 5.7.1. Is there a LiveCD anywhere with those versions? - Feb 07 2017
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

Which distro? What version of Qt? Are you using v39 of Event Calendar? - Feb 06 2017
Win7 Show Desktop [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Applets by Zren 56 comments

sudo apt install kdeplasma-addons - Feb 01 2017
Win7 Show Desktop [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Applets by Zren 56 comments

Which version do you have installed? You need v6 if you're on KDE 5.8.

grep Version ~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.win7showdesktop/metadata.desktop

If you are using v3+, then what specifically doesn't work? - Jan 21 2017
Tiled Menu [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Menus by Zren 316 comments

Install v11 until January 31 (when Plasma 5.9 is released). - Jan 13 2017
Tiled Menu [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Menus by Zren 316 comments

Right click your panel > Add Widgets > Get New Widgets > Download New Plasma Widgets - Jan 03 2017
Tiled Menu [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Menus by Zren 316 comments

Huh weird, first time they've ever been down.

Anyways, seing as you already have a github account, might as well make a pull request so you're credited in the commit. :] - Jan 01 2017
Tiled Menu [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Menus by Zren 316 comments

Thank you very much for putting in the effort to translate the widget, but it looks like the link is empty? - Jan 01 2017
Tiled Menu [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Menus by Zren 316 comments

Plasma's API doesn't expose the icon's pixmap to do any "parsing" of the icon. So that means I wouldn't be able to generate a random colour like Unity's taskbar or Window's menu.

I've been working on a tile editor dialog, but running into a few roadblocks because I don't have an example to learn from.
I'm still developing code to serialize a {key: { ... }, key2: { ... }} type which Plasma doesn't have an example of.
I'm also not 100% certain how to create a dynamically generated dialog window. Maybe I'm optimizing prematurely and window's aren't actually created till their visible but meh. Setting up 3-30 invisible windows for each tile probably isn't a good idea. - Dec 27 2016
Tiled Menu [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Menus by Zren 316 comments

Bleh. I can probably assign the property dynamically during Component.onCompleted hopefully so the widget doesn't need a minimum of KDE 5.9. - Dec 22 2016
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

Ah, it's not a bug with the locale, but rather a bug my code where it doesn't apply the check on it (probably). - Nov 30 2016
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

Are you using the default time format (based on your locale)? Try setting it to hh:mm, There definetly seems to be a bug with the default locale format, but it should work when set manually. - Nov 30 2016
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

Meteogram will use 12h/24h format if the clock in the panel uses it (does it contain AP in the time format).

OwnCloud is unlikely to get done for a good long time. I'm focusing more on integrating the GCal (editing the description / deleting). I'll try to write things to support multiple calendar services going forward, but it's a lot of work. - Nov 30 2016
Tiled Menu [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Menus by Zren 316 comments

Awesome! Thanks for the review.

More here: - Nov 25 2016
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

I've tested with Google Code Jam's Calendar and the "Holiday's in Canada" calendar. Are those different than what you're talking about? - Nov 20 2016
Tiled Menu [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Menus by Zren 316 comments

I tried the Kubuntu 16.04 LiveCD which has KDE 5.5.5. After deleting two lines it seemed to work.

I released a "kde5.5" version, but it will not receive any future updates. - Nov 16 2016
Tiled Menu [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Menus by Zren 316 comments

What version of KDE (and distro) are you on?

That property was added here
which shows the version as 5.5.90, so it seems KDE 5.6 is the minimum (for that property at least). I've only been testing on KDE Neon as of late.
- Nov 16 2016
Tiled Menu [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Menus by Zren 316 comments

Next version will have this and tile label alignment options. - Nov 14 2016
Tiled Menu [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Menus by Zren 316 comments

Try v4 - Nov 12 2016
Tiled Menu [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Menus by Zren 316 comments

Woops, I acidently scaled the favourite tiles twice. This should look the right size. - Nov 12 2016
Tiled Menu [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Menus by Zren 316 comments

Does this like the correct size on your screen? I'm testing at 192 dpi which is twice the default (96 dpi). - Nov 12 2016
Tiled Menu [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Menus by Zren 316 comments

This is why I can't use the widget/frame for the sidebar.
Even if I draw theme.backgroundColor behind it, there are themes where it still looks like shit.

It's just easier (and necessary) to let the user choose a colour when the theme looks ugly. - Nov 11 2016
Tiled Menu [Plasma 5]

Plasma 5 Menus by Zren 316 comments

* Search box has a checkbox for using the plasma theme in the config.
* Sidebar color and tile color have options too. Though there's a bug with my color editor atm that sometimes resets the colors to black, need to push the next version with the fix.
* Using Rectangle { color: theme.buttonBackgroundColor } does have some issues in some themes (which is why the colors are configurable)
* The tiles _need_ to have their color editable in the config. Which means they can't use a svg.
* The sidebar could use an svg, i'll try mocking it up later.

> between left-bar and the "letter"-categories a little gap.

Ah yes, I forgot to fix that. Lazyness that.

> Text color

Huh, you're right, I'm not doing that. Guess I'll fix that. - Nov 11 2016
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

Don't close the config window with the code, just click the link, and allow access. The config window is what's constantly checking if you've accepted it or not. - Oct 26 2016
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

So you have temperature, but no icons on top for the 3 hour period in the meteogram?
Have you relogged since updating to v36 (if you had a previous version installed before)?
Does your city on show data?
What city id are you using? - Oct 05 2016
Win7 Volume Mixer

Plasma 5 Multimedia by Zren 59 comments

> Also something has to be done about identically named channels, but upstream may be the better place for that.

When you hover the icon, what does it say the name+description for both of them?

I changed the name to be "Speaker" and "Mic" instead of the long and useless "Built in Analog Stereo". It will use that when the name starts with "alsa_output." and ends with ".analog-stereo".

* I'm unlikely to add AlsaMixer-like keyboard controls anytime soon.
* I'll probably do a "Speaker" submenu someday, I remember that iterating the speakers was a pain though so that's probably why I didn't add it.
* I don't think I'll be doing vertical text even as an option.
You're welcome to try doing some more heavy customizing by editing the file:
then restart plasma with:
killall plasmashell; plasmashell & disown
- Sep 30 2016
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

* Another "loop" button would be confusing. I might be able to add the option to play the sound "5 times" in the config though.
* I do not think I can make it repeat till you dismiss the notification with just QML.
* Have you tried a longer sound effect? - Sep 28 2016
Win7 Volume Mixer

Plasma 5 Multimedia by Zren 59 comments

* Pin Button is in a future version, but would be easy to backport to a v2.1 branch
* You can drag and drop the app onto a speaker. This is a feature ported from the default widget (though it was added in KDE 5.7).
* Showing non active applications is something you'd have to ask upstream for (plasma-pa / the default widget).
* Not sure what you mean by keyboard controls. Elaborate?
* I've considered creating a color picker layout for awhile, but it's just easier to depend on the theme for the colors. Might do it eventually.
* As in the width of the volume control? or the text label + icon as well?
* Scrolling over the icon in the panel is configurable in the settings right? Hovering the volume sliders is waaay too much work to make configurable since it depends on a specific variable. I'd have to rewrite the QML slider to do that. The best I can do is chose a different default. Right now, 11 mousewheel clicks gets you from 0 -> 99% volume (so 12 clicks). Should I aim for the default of 15 clicks? Or...? - Sep 28 2016
Win7 Volume Mixer

Plasma 5 Multimedia by Zren 59 comments

I wrote this before I found out about KMix, so I didn't know there was another "vertical" mixer with the same style. If needed, I can always change it to "Vertical Volume Mixer" if using Win7 ever becomes a problem.

Ideally, I plan on showing the current "volume" peeks like Win7. I've managed to do it with a seperate script based off reading pavucontrol's code ( ). I haven't merged it since there the "executeable" datasource doesn't "stream" a process. So I had to run a script x FPS per second, which spams top.

One thing I won't copy from Win7. One is scaling the volume's sliders to the max volume (that's the most annoying part of it).

I might eventually include a Win7 theme too (upside down isosceles triangle, but for now it works fairly well with themes. - Sep 15 2016
Thumbnail Grid [Merged Into KDE]

Kwin Switching Layouts by Zren 41 comments

Ah good point. Added a picture of 5x4 on 1080p. - Sep 05 2016

Plasma 5 Applets by Zren 85 comments

Sorry for the wait. I meant to update this much earlier, but I ran into another bug on my Neon install. This bug was one of those that made no sense.

A second empty placeholder was added at the bottom, but when you went to edit this extra placeholder, it showed a bunch of HTML. I norrowed it down to the ProxySortFilterModel getting out of sync with it's sourceModel, but beyond that... It just made no fucking sense. I restarted plasmashell. No dice. I restarted the PC. No dice. I added a second instance of the widget in the panel, deleted the desktop instance of the widget and readded it... It's fixed. There's no reason for that to have worked and it's driving me crazy.

Anyways, I just uploaded v2 which worked in my Kubuntu 16.04 VM with KDE 5.5.5 and Qt 5.5.1. - Aug 31 2016

Plasma 5 Applets by Zren 85 comments

Figured it out. It's not liking me using [b]model.title = newTitle[/b] in the ListView delegate. I need to use [b]todoList.setProperty(index, 'title', newTile)[/b]. I'll try to push an update sometime tonight or tomorrow. - Aug 28 2016

Plasma 5 Applets by Zren 85 comments

Uhg, I can add the widget to Kubuntu with KDE 5.5.5 without "errors", but it doesn't save the file. When I type, it doesn't recognize there's text and create a new empty list item below. Also, when I hit enter it resets the textbox.

It works fine on my Chakra VM with KDE 5.6 or KDE 5.7 (forgot to check) so it's nothing Neon specific.

No errors in the damn ~/.xsession-errors so bleeh. Gonna take my a bit to figure this out. - Aug 28 2016
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

I'm not sure how to translate a applet. Do you have any ideas? - Aug 24 2016
Event Calendar

Plasma 5 Calendars by Zren 707 comments

I just tried the widget with a Kubuntu 16.04 LiveCD, with KDE 5.5.5 and Qt 5.5.1, and it worked. I tried it on Kubuntu 15.10 with Qt 5.4.2 and it didn't work. Lowering the QtMultimedia to 5.5 still didn't work, and while it loaded the widget with QtMultimeida 5.4, it didn't play any sounds when the timer completed. I also had to comment out Layout.margins in PopupView to get it working on Qt 5.4.

I tried setting it to QtMultimedia 5.4 on my KDE Neon install (Qt 5.6) and it still worked fine, so I'll lower that dependency.

You can wait for v35 sometime today or edit the textfile yourself and relog.

/home/chris/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.eventcalendar/contents/ui/TimerView.qml - Jul 03 2016