Telinkrin- Arrongin themes

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 330 comments

I installed glade 3.20 to see what the problem is. But I can't see any. Can you be a bit more specific, perhaps post a screenshot? - Feb 26 2018
Telinkrin- Arrongin themes

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 330 comments

I will look into it - Feb 26 2018
Telinkrin- Arrongin themes

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 330 comments

Thé nautilus hack is purely visual. It deceives you into believing it runs all thé way through into the titlebar. But it does not - Feb 26 2018
Telinkrin- Arrongin themes

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 330 comments

Gnome-tweaks problem with startup-app's selection dark background is something that (even adwaita) can't solve. So the issue is with Gnome-tweak itself. As for Evolution: it is an old GTK-app that you cannot simply modernize with theming. What is more: Its use of the GTK3-theme is not very well translated into the app (the same with the (horrible) Libre-Office. It translates GTK3 differently. So there are bound to be problems everywhere. The issue is not theming: it is the lack of decent modern app's using GTK3 properly - Feb 26 2018
Telinkrin- Arrongin themes

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 330 comments

Yes, that is the disadvantage of the nautilus-hack. I had to put a limit on the size of the sidebar ( at least visually). Keep the sidebar as left as possible. It will cut-off your long name with some dots, I believe. - Feb 26 2018
Telinkrin- Arrongin themes

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 330 comments

what is the problem with Evolution? I can't find any specific error theming-wise . - Feb 26 2018
Telinkrin- Arrongin themes

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 330 comments

thanks - Feb 25 2018
Telinkrin- Arrongin themes

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 330 comments

thanks, still working on it. you could vote-'up', if you haven't already... - Feb 25 2018

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 28 comments

KDE works really different: you can not change it so drastically. - Feb 25 2018
Telinkrin- Arrongin themes

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 330 comments

haven't tested it on 18.04 yet. But thankfully it seems to work. Anyway the appreciation keeps me going... - Feb 25 2018
Telinkrin- Arrongin themes

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 330 comments

Yes, but I don't think the nautilus-hack would pass their requirements... - Feb 23 2018
Telinkrin- Arrongin themes

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 330 comments

This site has problems. Nothing can be downloaded for now - Feb 23 2018
Telinkrin- Arrongin themes

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 330 comments

Thanks, but job only half done for now. Just trying to find the right note for this theme and at the same time experimenting with new things. - Feb 22 2018

XFCE/XFWM4 Themes by paulxfce 44 comments

you are using nautilus in a xfce-desktop? This is asking for trouble, because gnome uses a different windowmanager, the window-shadow is thus drawn by two subsequent managers, hence the black border. - Feb 21 2018
Telinkrin- Arrongin themes

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 330 comments

yes, if only I knew how to address the specific gnome-settings application css-code. .. - Feb 19 2018
Telinkrin- Arrongin themes

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 330 comments

Appreciate it, thank you. Do you think the sidebar ( not moving) is something i should keep? - Feb 19 2018

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 28 comments

Well, it was made on Ubuntu 17.10. So, yes, it should... Anyway, thanks for thé appreciation - Feb 17 2018

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 28 comments

Well, it was about time that i made something else than another OSX theme. - Feb 16 2018

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 28 comments

True, there is room for improvement concerning the tabs. I'll look into it.
Although this theme has its merits, I do struggle with the general feeling. sometimes buttons are elevated, than dark, than lighter, than the buttons are sunken. than not. Also I'm not really satisfied with the title-buttons. So I'm not sure the direction this theme will go. - Feb 16 2018

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 38 comments

Thanks - Feb 06 2018
McHigh Sierra

GTK3/4 Themes by vinceliuice 331 comments

You should know how many great idea's I had to throw away, because there is always something, or some app that will not comply... I like you Vimix-themes, but for some reason it consumes 100% of CPU and the fans are blowing like hell. The animations conflicting?... - Jan 31 2018
McHigh Sierra

GTK3/4 Themes by vinceliuice 331 comments

Well, it works!
Now, if you were able to find a solution for the blue combobox -arrows to work on GTK2 and Libre-Office (gtk3/gtk2) ..... - Jan 31 2018
McHigh Sierra

GTK3/4 Themes by vinceliuice 331 comments

I've got it fixed too:

Here is what I have added to your titlebuttons:

headerbar button.titlebutton.restore,
.titlebar button.titlebutton.restore {

background-image: -gtk-scaled(url("title-assets/titlebutton-maximize.svg"), url("title-assets/titlebutton-maximize@2.svg")); }

headerbar button.titlebutton.restore:backdrop,
.titlebar button.titlebutton.restore:backdrop {

background-image: -gtk-scaled(url("title-assets/titlebutton-maximize-backdrop.svg"), url("title-assets/titlebutton-maximize-backdrop@2.svg")); }

headerbar button.titlebutton.restore:hover,
.titlebar button.titlebutton.restore:hover {

background-image: -gtk-scaled(url("title-assets/titlebutton-maximize-hover.svg"), url("title-assets/titlebutton-maximize-hover@2.svg")); }

headerbar button.titlebutton.restore:active,
.titlebar button.titlebutton.restore:active {

background-image: -gtk-scaled(url("title-assets/titlebutton-maximize-active.svg"), url("title-assets/titlebutton-maximize-active@2.svg")); }
- Jan 31 2018
McHigh Sierra

GTK3/4 Themes by vinceliuice 331 comments

At Ubuntu 17.10, it says my software is up to date. So it could be that Ubuntu lags behind. But so will others who have ubuntu - Jan 31 2018
McHigh Sierra

GTK3/4 Themes by vinceliuice 331 comments

Version 62.0.3202.94 (Official Build) (64-bit) is my version - Jan 31 2018
McHigh Sierra

GTK3/4 Themes by vinceliuice 331 comments

the image above is the problem - Jan 31 2018
McHigh Sierra

GTK3/4 Themes by vinceliuice 331 comments

Finally some competition on my Gnome-OSX. Great theming; I especially like the way you tried to mimic the blue combobox-arrows. Something I've tried also. But, while they are nice, they are not used everywhere: Not on GTK2-applications, not on Libre-Office. That is why I did not continue in that direction. In fact: in Libre-Office the white arrows are invisible on the white buttons on the toolbar.

Next, you should make 'restore'-titlebuttons, because Chrome-browser (using its own titlebar) does not show the maximize-titlebutton when maximized, because it expects a restore-button. (look into the GTK.CSS of my own theme (Gnome-OSX) for the solution). But, other than that, it looks good, but it needs further polishing. Anyway: great to meet another good themer. - Jan 30 2018

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 89 comments

Thanks, but gnome-shell is not really my thing. To awkward to theme. - Jan 28 2018

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 89 comments

sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-pixbuf

This is probably the answer; Standard there's no support for GTK2-Pixbuf-engine in 17.10. Why? Good question... - Jan 25 2018

XFCE/XFWM4 Themes by paulxfce 94 comments

No, You should have shadowed menu's everywhere. This theme is developed under Xubuntu 17.10. Using the standard XFWM compositor. - Jan 21 2018

XFCE/XFWM4 Themes by paulxfce 94 comments

Thanks, I did not look at the sys logs. Stupid me... Anyway reuploaded the correct version to 1.5 - Jan 21 2018

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 89 comments

As long as Cinnamon is not GTK 3.20+ compatible.... - Jan 20 2018

XFCE/XFWM4 Themes by paulxfce 94 comments

Version 1.4 should have addressed most of the remaining issues. Unfortunately White-on-blue selection colors do not always work. But the lighter-blue should help... - Jan 20 2018

XFCE/XFWM4 Themes by paulxfce 94 comments

I'll see about removing the grey color als selected menu-items and then replaces them with some lighter blue version. This will take some time, as both GTK2 and GTK3 need to be changed. - Jan 17 2018

XFCE/XFWM4 Themes by paulxfce 94 comments

Due to the fact that there are no windowborders assigned to this theme, only top-leftcorner and toprightcorner shows the resizer. So Nothing to hold on to at the button.

I've experimented with fatter borders(left and right) en fatter bottomborders. And they indeed work at resizing, only: it looks so 80's... Other DE's do not have this problem.

So, I'm not going to change anything. use top-right or top-left of the window and look for the resizer, or right-click on the titlebar and choice resize, or use alt +hold right-click and move the mouse to resize. Or use the window-menu button and choose resize.. Enough alternatives available....
- Jan 17 2018

XFCE/XFWM4 Themes by paulxfce 94 comments

I'm looking into it
- Jan 17 2018

XFCE/XFWM4 Themes by paulxfce 94 comments

Strange, the last version 1.3 should have addressed the issue with the taskbar background and applications-menu-button too. I'm running standard 17.10 and everything is OK here... - Jan 16 2018

XFCE/XFWM4 Themes by paulxfce 94 comments

It's also build on top standard Xubuntu 17.10 - Jan 15 2018

XFCE/XFWM4 Themes by paulxfce 94 comments

New whisker menu and a solution for desktopicons - Jan 15 2018

XFCE/XFWM4 Themes by paulxfce 94 comments

the new version (1.1) should correct the window-control-buttons. Whisker-menu in Xubuntu 17.10 is using version 2.1.5, which uses GTK3 to draw its shape. In MX-17 Whisker is still at 1.7.5 which uses GTK2. Hence the difference.

I'm aware of the whisker-problem (I've tried a live-version of Xubuntu 17.10). But I have not yet got it installed properly. There is unfortunately allot of difference between MX-17 and Xubuntu 17.10.

Do you use the compton file? - Jan 14 2018

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 89 comments

Thank you - Jan 09 2018

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 21 comments

You’re welcome - Nov 23 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 21 comments - Nov 22 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 21 comments

Humanity-dark-aqua - Nov 21 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 31 comments

terminal command:

sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-pixbuf

Or reinstall Ubuntu. There is something missing - Nov 11 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

The screenshot sows that Synaptic Package manager uses the usual toolbar- background, but then it stops when there are no more buttons to show. From then on, the original default background appears , which uses this gradient:
background-image:linear-gradient(to bottom left,rgba(235,240,244,1),rgba(221,227,232,1),rgba(221,227,232,1),rgba(238,244,246,1)); }
Which is a four-color-gradient. That moves from the right top to the left bottom of the area. So colors can different within the same background-area - Nov 09 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 31 comments

please post a screenshot, and what is your set-up - Nov 08 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

Well pesgo. The problem is not theme-related. The problem is that Synaptic Package manager is a root-application. Which do not follow the theme, because there is any in the root! So what you need to is this:
1. Make sure you have a .font, a .icons and a .themes folder in your home folder
2. We need to make symbolic links to these file in the root directory with these terminal commands :

sudo ln -s /home/[username]/.themes /root/.themes

sudo ln -s /home/[username]/.icons /root/.icons

sudo ln -s /home/[username]/.fonts /root/.fonts

And replace the username (and its brackets) with you home folder name. Then execute them one by one.
3. Restart your computer; et voila all is solved...
If, for some reason, it didn't work check your root folder with this terminal command: sudo nautilus, this wil open a root-nautilus window. Look in the file-system that pops up for thr root-folder. If the three files (.fonts/.icons/;themes) are there? then you have done you job right and everything should work if you restart - Nov 07 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 31 comments

I've uploaded a special version for you, hope you like it - Nov 07 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 31 comments

About theming GTK2-based apps: I use Inkscape and the Gimp mostly (for creating themes) which are still stuck in GTK2. So (out of self-interest)I make sure the GTK2-part of the theme is always fine too. - Nov 06 2017