Suru Plus Ubuntu

Full Icon Themes by Magog64 243 comments

They are already on github. I'm not that good either at these things.. I believe you can just fork them, I suppose. Here are the links:

That is, if Andrea is willing...
- May 14 2018

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 42 comments

Well, I could. But this adds to the 'real-estate' that the sidebar already takes away from the headerbar's path-bar. So you would have to resize nautilus wider to get a useable path-bar. This poses a problem for low-resolution-screens. - May 14 2018

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 42 comments

Something like this then: - May 14 2018

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 42 comments

Post a screenshot, please. Because I do not fully comprehend what you want. - May 14 2018
Suru Plus Ubuntu

Full Icon Themes by Magog64 243 comments

Please contact me, if you are interested in taking over the Telinkrin and Arrongin icon theme. I do not have the time to continue... They are not that different (mainly the folder-colors and a handfull of app's) - May 14 2018

Full Icon Themes by Barud 129 comments

Really nice looking icon-theme. I've just plinged you for your continuous effort to bring quality icons. (this potentially raises your financial reward, if you have set up a paypall account in your settings page) As a contributor myself I can give rewards (plings) to fellow artists of whom I think deserve to be rewarded. Feel free to become one yourself. It is gratifying to help eachother and give the attention we genuinly deserve. - May 13 2018
xenlism : Storm

Full Icon Themes by exenatt 8 comments

Great concept, you just deserved your first pling (if you have set up a paypall-account in your settings-page, this extra pling will improve your potential financial reward). Become a contributor (like me) and reward other fellow-artists with plings. It is actually fun giving others the attention they deserve for their quality-efforts. - May 13 2018
xenlism : Storm

Full Icon Themes by exenatt 8 comments

Gra - May 13 2018

GTK3/4 Themes by willscreel 10 comments

Great complete theme - May 13 2018

GTK3/4 Themes by willscreel 10 comments

Great, I like it when artists come up with a complete package to complement their theme. You just deserved you first pling. (By adding a paypall account in your settings-page, you get the possibility to receive financial reward according to your popularity and plings that contributors (like me) donate to artists they like. The point is to reward quality products. As yours surely is! If you feel like joining our efforts then become a contributor. It is actually fun rewarding our fellow-artists as a token off appreciation. - May 13 2018

Plasma Themes by x-varlesh-x 8 comments

This is really great X-Varlesh-H, another pling deserved. Another '+' on your score - May 13 2018

Gnome Shell Themes by unc926 57 comments

Hello unc926, I've just send you your first pling as a way to show my appreciation for this really great shell theme

I and many other themers are becoming supporter of Opendesktop. By joining you -yourself- can give a way plings to others you appreciate. It is actually very rewarding to financially aid others. Opendesktop has been aiding us (via plings) quit substancially. It is about time we give a little back. And at the same time this site can remain viable again. - May 12 2018
Cupertino iCons

Full Icon Themes by umayanga 276 comments

Hello Umayanga, I've just send you your first pling. It id actually rewarding to give a financial reward to other desktop-themers, because, you know? We are damn well worth it!
Care to join and become a supporter? I and most other themers here are becoming a supporter so that we can give a token of appreciation (via a pling) to others you feel should be rewarded. It is about time we give something back to Opendesktop - who has been very generous to use this last year - to make sure it remains viable again. - May 12 2018
flat icons Oranchelo

Full Icon Themes by zayronXIO 102 comments

Hello ZayronXIO, I've just send you your first pling as a way to thank you for this great icon-theme.
It is actually very rewarding to give a token of appreciation to a fellow-themer, becayse, you know, we al deserve it!

Anyway, we themers are becoming a supporters (a 15$ investment) of Opendesktop, so that we can give away (via plings) a financial reward for their continous efforts. We have been very fortunate this past year with the donations we all have received from Opendesktop. It is time that we give a little back, so it remains viable again. - May 12 2018
Obsidian Icon Theme

Full Icon Themes by madmaxms 234 comments

Hello madmaxms, I've send you your first pling, as a way to say thank you for wonderfull icontheme.

Care to a supporter? It is actually very rewarding to give a fellow themer a token of appreciation. I and many other themers are joining the supporters group so that this sit remains viable again. It's about time we give something back from the plings we all earned the past year. - May 12 2018
Just send you a pling, as a token of appreciation for still maintaining XFCE-themes (a rare breed that is)

Anyway, care to join the supporters as I and many other themers are doing? It is really rewarding to give a sign of appreciation to other themers out there. It is time we give a little back to our beloved @opendesktop for the plings we received the last year. So that we may keep this site viable again. - May 12 2018
McHigh Sierra

GTK3/4 Themes by vinceliuice 331 comments

Hello Vinceliuice, great job. Care to become a supporter, as I and many other themer have become? It is actually very rewarding to send out plings as a sign of appreciation to other themers. It is time to give back some of the money we earned, to make this site viable again. Don't you think so too? - May 12 2018
McHigh Sierra

GTK3/4 Themes by vinceliuice 331 comments

good job - May 12 2018

GTK3/4 Themes by eliverlara 117 comments

Hello eliverlara, Great work ! care to become a supporter, as I, and many other themers are doing? It is actually very rewarding to give plings as a token of appreciation on your fellow-themer for their hard work. - May 12 2018
Equilux Theme

GTK3/4 Themes by ddnexus 82 comments

Hello, follow desktop-themer. Care to become a supporter? It is actually rewarding to give your collegues a pling as token of appreciation for your hard and continious work.
Thank you. - May 12 2018
Equilux Theme

GTK3/4 Themes by ddnexus 82 comments

Great - May 12 2018

Full Icon Themes by x-varlesh-x 486 comments

a + for working on this tremendous icon theme - May 12 2018

Full Icon Themes by x-varlesh-x 486 comments

Your first pling, for your excellent work... - May 12 2018
Materia KDE

Kvantum by x-varlesh-x 26 comments

A pling for this excellent port - May 12 2018
Adapta KDE

Kvantum by x-varlesh-x 15 comments

Excellent work, rewarded with a pling.. - May 12 2018
Suru Plus Ubuntu

Full Icon Themes by Magog64 243 comments

a + for your continous effort - May 12 2018
Suru Plus Ubuntu

Full Icon Themes by Magog64 243 comments

Just plinged you for your continuing effort in the beautifull iconpack - May 12 2018
tweak your Adwaita

GTK3/4 Themes by schollidesign 22 comments

Just added a pling for a themer who knows what he is doing: perfecting Adwaita - May 12 2018
Ant Themes

GTK3/4 Themes by eliverlara 659 comments

Just added a pling for originality - May 12 2018
Qogir theme

GTK3/4 Themes by vinceliuice 479 comments

Just added 1 pling for originality - May 12 2018

XFCE/XFWM4 Themes by paulxfce 94 comments

Select the theme also in the Windowmanager - May 11 2018
Suru Plus Ubuntu

Full Icon Themes by Magog64 243 comments

Well, then let them be clear on that on their Blog or Forum. (I just popped the question on the opendesktop-forum. ) If they allow the use, whithout loosing the plings, than I too could finally re-introduce propriety-burdened icons. - May 04 2018
Suru Plus Ubuntu

Full Icon Themes by Magog64 243 comments

Don't shoot the messenger. I have as much to lose as any other themer here. Read this about the Suru developper team: Magog64 is a very good icon-builder and I support his efforts. I'm not here to condemn anyone. And everybody is free to do what he likes. The point is that is moving towards supporting actively (via plings) the development of free software( as in license GPL) , and advise against using proprietary things (no more plings then). Hell, it is not my job to explain this. Hello Open-desktop team? Do you care the comment on this, please?... - May 04 2018

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 31 comments

Sorry, theme changes are made for the gnome-desktop only. Use the official Ambiance theme instead. - May 01 2018
Arrongin icon theme

Full Icon Themes by paulxfce 15 comments

Fixed! - May 01 2018
Arrongin icon theme

Full Icon Themes by paulxfce 15 comments

Yes, I have to change the description, sorry - May 01 2018
Telinkrin- Arrongin themes

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 330 comments

True, it needs a Total redesign - Apr 29 2018
Telinkrin- Arrongin themes

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 330 comments

Well, I had already accommodated the width of the sidebar for the french languages. Because of the nature of this theme, the sidebar-size is fixed (visually) to 211px; which is (for other languages) more than adequate. I suggest using a different font, or reducing the font-size. - Apr 29 2018

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 42 comments

Sorry, if you know my history, you should know I only make gnome-themes (and very occasionallly an XFCE-version. Mate's multitude of menu-bars makes it impossible to theme the filemanager coherently. I like less clutter. I could never make Mate's filemanager look like Nautilus. And this is my stronghold. - Apr 29 2018

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 42 comments

Thanks - Apr 29 2018

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 89 comments

Thanks - Apr 28 2018
Telinkrin- Arrongin themes

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 330 comments

Great! One thing less to worry about... - Apr 27 2018
Telinkrin- Arrongin themes

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 330 comments

No, here is fine. Could you post a screenshot? Because I don't see the problem... - Apr 23 2018

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 89 comments

in the GTK3 file look into GTK.CSS line 13130 to 13280. It's a bit messy but examin it and you will find out - Apr 23 2018
Qogir theme

GTK3/4 Themes by vinceliuice 479 comments

As one themer to another: nicely done! Like the idea of the backimage: love it! There is always something to learn from eachother...

Looked at the light version: It is very difficult to distinguish the windows, especially in backdrop-situation. You might want to add some more window-shadows to improve that. Also the #fafbfc color has a slight pinkish tint, which - at least on my LED-monitor - looks out of place with the other colors of your theme. But this is a matter of opinion...

I like the 'clean' GTK.CSS though. Good job! - Apr 22 2018
Arrongin icon theme

Full Icon Themes by paulxfce 15 comments

stupid me. It is allright now. Thanks ! - Apr 22 2018

XFCE/XFWM4 Themes by paulxfce 94 comments

in the files -tab above - Apr 21 2018
Arrongin icon theme

Full Icon Themes by paulxfce 15 comments

Fixed in latest version. Thanks! - Apr 21 2018
Arrongin icon theme

Full Icon Themes by paulxfce 15 comments

fixed in latest version. Thanks! - Apr 21 2018
Telinkrin- Arrongin themes

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 330 comments

theming the filemanager(nautilus) in such a way that the sidebar seamlessly goes all the way into the headerbar is done by finetuning and aligning both. As you have noticed, it only works with titlebuttons on the right. Having them on the left, requires redoing this aligningment, readjustling the headerbar-graphics and thus creating an extra theme. So, no this is not like any other theme that you fix easily within the same theme-file.

I'm still working on finetuning it, perhaps in the future I will produce a left-version. - Apr 20 2018